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Leskov M. I. "Sampling. News of the mining industry".
Chitalin A.F. "Geological targeting."Report at the meeting on May 21, 2021
Leskov M. I. "Gold mining industry in Russia: current state and prospects"Conference "Gold and Technologies - 2021".
Ivanov A.I., TsNIGRI. "The state and prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of gold in the Russian Federation" ReviewConference "Gold and Technologies - 2021".
Barymova A., IGT-Sky Group, "Advantages of using UAVs in geological exploration" International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Mikhailyukova P. "Experience in the use of Sentinel space images in geological exploration"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Tikhomirov P. "Metallogeny of the Okhotsk-Chukotka belt and prospects for prospecting for ore deposits in the North-East of Russia"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Sivkov D. "Structural and geochemical model of the formation of stockwork bodies in the central part of the Drazhnoye field" International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Chitalin A.F. "STRUCTURE OF STOCKWORKS OF COPPER-PORPHYROUS SYSTEMS"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Chikatueva V. "Integrated core study using modern research methods"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Leskov M.I. Plenary session No. 2, "Russian geological, mining and metallurgical industries - life in new realities"MINEX Russia 2020, October 6-8.
Leskov M.I., "Gold mining industry in Russia: state and prospects"Speech at the conference "Gold and Technologies" October 20, 2020.
Leskov M.I., Speech at the online discussion MINEX Forum Online. dedicated to the topic: “The impact of COVID-19 on the Russian gold mining industry”, April 14, 2020
Sivkov D. "Lineament analysis of the territory of the gold field"Report at the conference GeoEurasia 2020, Moscow
Chikatueva V. "The method of X-ray microtomography in the study of deposits"Report at the conference GeoEurasia 2020, Moscow
Chitalin A.F. "Structure and conditions for the formation of ore stockworks in the Kolyma-Chukotka region"Report at the GeoEurasia 2020 conference, Moscow
Agapitov I., "Model of formation of Jurassic deposits in the offshore part of the Middle Caspian"Report at the conference GeoEurasia 2020, Moscow
Leskov M.I. Joint seminar IHC-Clariant - IGT at Minex Moscow 2019
Leskov M.I., "Deals in the Russian mining industry and the formula for success"Minex Moscow 2019
Chitalin A.F. "Geological targeting"Minex Moscow 2019
Dobrynin D.V. "Integrated method for assessing the gold ore potential of licensed areas"Minex Moscow 2019
Dobrynin D.V. "Information support for the development of alluvial deposits by means of UAVs and satellite monitoring"MINEX Far East 2019, Khabarovsk
Agapitov D.D. "Geological supervising - a tool to increase the efficiency of geological exploration"Minex Far East 2019, Khabarovsk
Leskov M.I. "Gold mining and its role in the development of the mining industry of the Far East"Minex Far East, 2019, Khabarovsk
Minex Far East, 2019, KhabarovskDiscussion panel 1
Ivanov A.I. "Prospects for the discovery of new gold deposits in the Far Eastern Federal District"MINEX Far East 2019, Khabarovsk
Leskov M.I. Annual Review Gold 2019, Metals FocusGokhran of Russia
Metals Focus/IGTGokhran presentation, May 2019
Launch of Gold Focus. Metals Focus, Junlu Liang
Chikatueva V. Yu., Sivkov D. "Experience in the use of X-ray tomography"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2019, Moscow
Chitalin A.F. "Interpretation of anomalies of the Baim ore zone"International geological and geophysical conference and exhibition GeoEurasia 2019, Moscow
Chitalin A.F. "Gold content of Chukotka and prospecting for gold and silver deposits"Conference "Chukotka - Energy of Territories" April 22, 2016, Moscow
M. Leskov "Floating plants in wet mining projects" MINEX Moscow IHC Mining – TetraTech/Coffey – IGT Master Class 05 October 2021
Leskov M.I. "Gold mining industry in Russia: current state and prospects" Conference "Gold and Technologies" April 20, 2021
Mikhailyukova P. "Analysis of applicability of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2/MSI space images for solving problems of geological interpretation"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Barymova A. "The advantages of using unmanned aerial vehicles in geological exploration."International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Sivkov D. "Structural and geochemical model of the formation of stockwork bodies in the central part of the Drazhnoye field. "International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2021
Chitalin A.F. "Structure and formation conditions of ore stockworks of large deposits of copper, gold and tin in the Kolyma-Chukotka region"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2020
Chikatueva V.Yu. "Methodology for studying deposits of gold-quartz type by X-ray microtomography"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2020
Dobrynin D, Barymova A., Chitalin A.F. "Remote sensing data in search information technologies"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2020
Chitalin A.F., Agapitov D, Shtengelov A, Usenko V, Fomichev E. "Geological targeting. Experience. Results"Minex Russia 2019
Leskov M.I. "Deals in the Russian Mining Industry and the Formula for Success" MINEX Forum 2019 Moscow October 10, 2019
Leskov M.I. "Gold mining and its role in the development of the mining industry of the Far East"MINEX Far East 2019 (Khabarovsk)
Leskov M.I. "Technogenic deposits in Russia and the CIS - problems and prospects"Minex Moscow 2019
Dobrynin D. "Complex method for evaluating the gold ore potential of licensed areas"Minex Moscow 2019
Agapitov D. "Tender procedures in exploration"MinexRussia2019
Dobrynin D. V. "Information support for the development of placer deposits by means of UAVs and satellite monitoring"MINEX Far East 2019 (Khabarovsk)
Agapitov D. D. "Geological supervising tool for increasing the efficiency of geological exploration"Minex Far East 2019 (Khabarovsk)
Leskov M.I. "The state and prospects of gold mining in the world and in Russia Brief summary"Gokhran, 2019
Chikatueva V.Yu. "Experience in the use of X-ray microtomography in structural studies of the gold stockwork of the Drazhnoye deposit (Sakha (Yakutia))"International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2019
Chitalin A.F. "Geological and structural interpretation of geophysical and geochemical anomalies of the Baim ore zone, Western Chukotka" (Abstract)International Geological and Geophysical Conference and Exhibition GeoEurasia 2019
Leskov M.I. "Gold mining in Russia. From the past to the future"Gokhran of Russia 2019
Chitalin A.F. "Structural analysis - an essential tool in prospecting and exploration of ore deposits"MINEX Far East 2018 (Magadan)
Leskov M.I. "Opportunities and challenges of the coming years for mining companies in the field of extraction and processing of natural and technogenic raw materials in Russia"Russian Bullion Forum 2018 Moscow, 16.11.2018
Leskov M.I. "On the choice of directions for the development of companies in a rapidly changing external environment"MINEX FORUM 2018 Moscow, 04.09.2018
Leskov M.I. "Will it come" or "will it come"? A miner's reflections on the future, looking at Big Data, Virtual Reality and Artificial Intellect"Honeywell Russian Technology Conference 2018, Solar Park Hotel 20.09.2018
Leskov M.I. "State and prospects for the development of mining of solid minerals"MINEX Far East 2018 (Magadan)
Leskov M.I. "Possibilities of using the "wet method" in the extraction of alluvial, technogenic and ore raw materials in the conditions of the Russian Far East"Royal IHC Seminar Magadan, MCC, Hall No. 3 18.07.2018
Leskov M.I. "Gold mining in Russia. More about trends"Gokhran RF, 2018