IGT is a group of companies providing geological consulting services and performing comprehensive geological services for the most complex exploration projects in Russia and abroad.
We offer our knowledge and successful application of the world’s best exploration practices, obtained in the course of close cooperation with leading Russian and international exploration, consulting and engineering companies.
IGT provides its customers with a wide range of appraisal, design and consulting services in the field of geological exploration for solid minerals.

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Development of prospecting, evaluation and exploration projects
Geological support of drilling operations
1 of 46The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Geological support of drilling operations
Geological and Block Modeling and Reserves Calculation (JORC)
2 of 46Transbaikalia
Geological support of drilling operations
3 of 46Irkutsk region
Geological support of drilling operations
Geological and block modeling and calculation of reserves
4 of 46Chukotka
Early stage search operations
5 of 46Kyrgyzstan
Block Modeling and Resource Estimation (JORK)
6 of 46Chukotka
Geological targeting
Early stage search operations
7 of 46Western Mongolia
Geological, structural and mineralogical mapping
8 of 46Khabarovsk Territory
Geological targeting
9 of 46Krasnoyarsk Territory
Performing an audit of the geological model
Geological supervision
10 of 46The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Performing an audit
Geological support of drilling operations
11 of 46Chukotka
Geological, structural and mineralogical mapping
Geological modeling
12 of 46Buryatia
Decoding of satellite images, multispectral and lineament analysis
Early stage search operations
Geological and structural mapping
Multifunctional unmanned aircraft
13 of 46Buryatia
Decoding of satellite images, multispectral and lineament analysis
Early stage search operations
Geological and structural mapping
Multifunctional unmanned aircraft
14 of 46Ynkyre
Spasskaya Cupper Ore Zone
Verkhniy Indigirskiy aria
Verkhniy Indigirskiy aria
Verkhniy Indigirskiy aria
Verkhniy Indigirskiy aria
Verkhniy Indigirskiy aria
Development of a structural model for the control of ore mineralization at the site of the Lake Ore field
22 of 46Kazakhstan
Geological targeting
Geological and structural mapping
Search work in the early stages
23 of 46Kazakhstan
Consulting and analytical services for the decoding of multispectral CS
24 of 46Kazakhstan
Decryption of multispectral satellite images
Spectral analysis for predicting promising sites
25 of 46Khabarovsk region
Khabarovsk region
Khabarovsk region
Magadan region
Belaya Gora
Early stage search operations
32 of 46Laguna Erokynmanky
Arkhangelsk region
Geological targeting Decoding of satellite images, multispectral and lineament analysis
Early stage search operations
37 of 46Cheing
38 of 46Ipyaklyaut
39 of 46Tolyatoy
40 of 46Severnyi
41 of 46Kamennaya
42 of 46Lamyt
43 of 46Peru
Forecast of porphyry copper deposits
44 of 46
IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) Field Prediction)
Geological targeting
45 of 46Georgia
Geological, structural and mineralogical mapping
Geological modeling
46 of 46Search work in the early stages
Search work in the early stages
We carry out field work at the early stages of studying subsoil plots: we carry out a search for promising areas, a predictive assessment of the prospects of sites for identifying mineral deposits (geological targeting). At the field stage of geological targeting, reconnaissance and prospecting routes are carried out in order to identify areas of increased mineralization favorable for the localization of industrial mineralization, the genesis of the ore object is clarified, geophysical and lithogeochemical anomalies are assessed and interpreted, the geological and structural features of the potential deposit are studied, its preliminary resource assessment is given, and the locations of mine workings are determined for the opening and evaluation of rich ore zones. In addition to the generally accepted requirements for these types of work, in accordance with our internal regulations, detailed geological, structural and mineralogical mapping of ore-bearing rocks is carried out in the routes. The routes are carried out on the basis of high-precision aerial photographs obtained from the UAV. Depending on the terms of reference, lithogeochemical surveys are often performed in parallel along secondary and primary dispersion halos. For operational field assessment of the intensity and complexity of geochemical anomalies, a portable XRF analyzer is used.
Geological support
drilling and mining
One of the key activities of the IGT Group is the provision of services in the field of technical and geological support of field geological exploration. Our functionality includes the development of projects and programs for prospecting, prospecting, appraisal and exploration work, quality control of drilling and mining operations, geological documentation of core cores and RC drilling cuttings, mine workings (ditches / trenches), sampling, selection recommendations laboratories and selection of analytical research methods. One of the important elements is the geological and structural documentation of the oriented well core and data processing for subsequent geological and structural mapping. We develop the optimal sample preparation scheme, select equipment and ensure the operation of the field sample preparation workshop.
Our partners are leading Russian organizations specializing in geochemical prospecting, ground geophysical surveys, airborne geophysical surveys and drilling operations of any degree of complexity
Geological-structural and mineralogical mapping
Geological-structural and mineralogical mapping
Geological and structural mapping underlies the structural analysis of any territory. This is a complex of studies aimed at studying the geological structure of the territory, within which the morphology and kinematics of structural forms are studied and, as a result, the mechanism of formation of these structures is reconstructed.
One of the key tasks of structural analysis is to identify the structural control of mineralization, which is expressed in the patterns of localization of ore mineralization within certain elements of folded structures or faults. Structural control of mineralization plays a key role in the placement of ore mineralization in deposits of hydrothermal genesis, where it allows to identify the position of structural traps.
The result of complex structural and geological studies, as a rule, is a geological and structural model of the study area, which falls into the basis of the complex genetic and resource models of the field. The use of a complex of geological (including structural) studies significantly increases the efficiency of prospecting models and the reliability of the resource assessment results.
Structural mapping requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists involved both in field studies and in office processing received data. In addition to classical geological and structural mapping, we use modern methods of structural research: orthophotography and lidar survey of outcrops with subsequent interpretation of materials, study of oriented core, measurement of occurrence elements using electronic compasses, computer microtomography of core, analog modeling of geological processes. Our specialists have extensive experience in carrying out such work on objects of various geochemical specializations and genesis.
Geological Targeting
Geological Targeting
Geological targeting is one of the most effective tools for solving prospecting problems and is aimed at selecting the most promising areas for prospecting for deposits with given geological and economic parameters (type of mineralization, expected reserves, metal content). This is a set of works that combines effective cameral and field research methods in order to obtain a reliable geological assessment of the selected object at the initial stages of prospecting and appraisal work and allows you to significantly reduce the geological risk during the initial assessment of areas: collection, compilation and analysis of all available geological, geophysical and geochemical historical data, interpretation of multispectral satellite images and a detailed orthophotomap of the site obtained using UAV surveys, search revision and search routes with geochemical sampling and mapping of ore-bearing rocks, geological and structural studies to verify promising anomalies. Based on these data, layers of the GIS project are built, on the basis of which it is possible to either reject the site or optimize further investments by focusing work on the main identified anomalies. The relatively low cost and efficiency of geological targeting provides a significant economic effect in the subsequent stages of work. It is important that the search and evaluation stage is reduced by 1-2 seasons
Geological Supervising
Geological Supervising
Supervising is a modern way of organizing and monitoring various types of complex or technological activities in order to ensure the required quality of work and compliance with prescribed requirements, both on the part of the customer and supervisory services. It is independent supervising that is one of the most effective tools for achieving high-quality work results.
Based on the experience of our work, we have expanded this term to intellectual (science-intensive) geological supervising - as a necessary element of geological support for field prospecting and exploration. It is aimed at qualitative improvement of the results of the work itself and obtaining maximum information from the investments spent in exploration. The term was updated due to the expansion of the service itself, when a group of qualified specialists not only acts as a representative of the Customer at the site, observes and achieves from the performers at the point of work the quality of the implementation of the agreed program itself, but also, on the instructions of the customers, participates at all stages of the project - or as a co-executor , or as an autonomous team reporting only to the Customer.
From our practice, the involvement of geological supervisors made it possible not only to structure the work on the project, but also to increase the expected increase in reserves/resources by more than 20%.
Interpretation of space images, multispectral analysis
Interpretation of space images, multispectral analysis
One of the well-established effective methods for the primary study of promising areas is the analysis of multispectral satellite imagery. The selection of the most informative satellite sounding data is carried out, taking into account the shooting season, the spectral ranges used and approaches to their combination in color synthesis. The information content of satellite imagery data is assessed not only on the basis of direct signs of rocks, the composition close to that common at the work site, but also with the involvement of indirect signs. Interpolation of field and morphometric data is performed to form an idea of the structural plan of the structure of sites and their detailing. We also receive information about exogenous processes as factors in the redistribution of weathering products of mineralization zones that come to the surface. We carry out extrapolation of data from field work of previous seasons to the entire territory of promising areas. For the analysis, survey materials of certain satellite systems with different-scale spatial resolution are used. The sensors of these satellite systems cover the entire visible spectrum and are complemented by information from the near infrared and shortwave infrared spectral ranges. To perform these studies, we use modern specialized SOVA software developed in one of our facilities.
Interpretation of space images, lineament analysis
Interpretation of space images, lineament analysis
An effective complex of geomorphological, geological, remote methods of geological and geological-structural mapping. Lineament analysis, as a complex of geological mapping methods, is based on digital processing of optical information. In particular, in the work of IGT we use materials from remote aerospace research and more detailed data obtained from aerial surveys using UAVs. An important parameter of the effectiveness of the application of lineament analysis techniques is the quality and reliability of the results obtained - the confirmation by geological observations of the direct connection of lineaments with faults in the earth's crust. We have accumulated significant experience in the field of geological and structural mapping for solving geological and prospecting tasks in areas with varying degrees of rock exposure. To perform these studies, we use the widespread Russian software LESSA, as well as modern specialized software GeoTarget Lineament, developed in one of our enterprises
Development of prospecting and appraisal and exploration projects
Development of prospecting and appraisal and exploration projects
One of the most demanded activities is the development of project documentation for the first stages of work on the licensed areas of subsoil users. Taking into account the accumulated experience in this area, we understand that in modern conditions the requirements for the composition of project documentation depend not only on geological conditions and a set of recommended studies, but also on frequently changing legal requirements and updated official regulations. One of the main features of our projects is that they already include a real Work Program, and the subsoil user just needs to start work.
Audit and DD of
Geological Survey Projects
Audit and DD of Prospecting,
Exploration and Mining Projects
Our competence includes the following types of technical audit and related services:
- Assurance and quality control (QA/QC) of exploration works,
- Independent evaluation and audit of exploration results (QA /QC),
- comprehensive analysis of geological information and development of a further exploration strategy,
- Due Diligence of exploration projects.
Independent audits are being carried out results of geological modeling and calculation of reserves of deposits and ore occurrences of solid minerals. If necessary, independent reports of Competent Persons are prepared according to international standards JORC codes or NI 43-101. The company employs specialists certified as Competent Persons by AIG.
Geo-Modeling and Reserve Estimation
Geo-Modeling and Reserve Estimation
IThe company's specialists are experts in the field of reserves and resources estimation. Our approaches to the assessment of geological resources and reserves involve the maximum consideration of geological, structural, geotechnical, hydrogeological and technological factors that can affect the degree of reliability of the assessment of reserves in the subsoil and create risks of non-confirmation of the quantity and quality of mineral raw materials during their further extraction and processing.
We are working on convergence of approaches to the assessment of reserves and resources and classification systems adopted in international practice and in the Russian system of subsoil use. The reports prepared by us with the calculation of reserves and resources can be equally applicable both for investment purposes and for reporting to state regulatory authorities (GKZ RF). Our specialists are members of international professional communities (AIG).
Our services for technical and geological support of field work include the following packages:
- Geological interpretation and 3D modeling.
- The choice of the optimal method for calculating reserves, based on the characteristics of the geological structure of the field and the exploration system.
- Calculation of reserves and resources using geostatistical methods and methods of blocks and sections.
- Writing geological reports in in accordance with the requirements of the Competent Person Reports (MER/CPR) standards, which is an integral part of the package of documents for mining companies in public financial activities, with an assessment of reserves and resources that comply with the requirements of international and national reporting codes (regulatory and methodological requirements of the GKZ of the Russian Federation, JORC, NI 43-101).
- Classification of reserves and resources based on the degree of exploration, taking into account geotechnical, technological, hydrogeological factors and the proposed method of extraction.
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Multi-Purpose Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
We have expanded the possibilities of using UAVs not only in geodesy and engineering, but also in prospecting geology. The preparation of digital bases for geological and structural mapping, the creation of base layers of GIS systems for subsequent 3D modeling have significantly accelerated and qualitatively improved. Creation of digital elevation models (DTM) of high resolution, digital terrain models (DTM) allows you to get orthomosaics and seamless orthomosaic for detailed topographic plans. Digital models of infrastructure objects make it possible to conduct regular monitoring of mining and geological objects of customers.
Surveying using LIDAR technology proved to be very effective. Now this is one of the key recommendations when performing prospecting and reconnaissance work to obtain better source material for geological and structural mapping and further geomodeling of subsoil areas.
Development of specialized software.
Development of specialized software.
Taking into account our experience in prospecting geology, having not found the specialized software we needed on the market, over several years we have developed several types of software that allows us to speed up and improve the quality of our work many times over. These programs are still unique.
- GeoTarget Lineament - automated interpretation of lineaments and their structural interpretation using remote zoning and DTM materials, aerial photographs, obtained using UAVs, with the possibility of machine learning. The program is one of the modules of the GeoTarget software package we are developing, aimed at the maximum possible automation of the preparation of materials for our specialists to perform work on geological targeting;
- SOVA - decoding and interpretation of detailed satellite and aerial photographs obtained using the UAV. The program is aimed at performing semi- and automatic multi-, and in the future hyperspectral analysis for the purpose of identifying spectral anomalies due to the presence of ore objects, performing anomaly localization to identify possible structural trends of increased mineralization. After additional training of the program, it will also be included as one of the basic modules in the GeoTarget PC;
- Gnome Assist - semi-automatic vectorization of geological maps of different generations with the possibility of machine learning. Digitization and spatial referencing of cartographic data has so far accelerated only 5-6 times. After further machine learning of the program, the processing speed should increase by 8-10 times. The program is also one of the modules of the developed GeoTarget PC;
- GeoLog Assist - the program performs semi-automatic detailed and accurate documentation of the quantitative content of quartz material, sulfides, types of tectonites in core, drill cuttings, in natural and man-made (quarry walls and ditches) rock outcrops. The software is made with the possibility of machine learning on the projects of our work and is used for rapid documentation in the study, evaluation and exploration of deposits to create an operational geological and structural model. The use of software is also aimed at quality control and correction of the work of documentary geologists. In addition, using the software, it is possible to perform geological documentation of the main signs of mineralization and structural features of the core based on archival images of the Customer's core to control previously performed work and refine the geological model. The obtained data can be automatically integrated into common mining and geological software - Micromine or Datamine;
- Regim - calculation of statistical and hydrogeodynamic parameters of aquifers based on the data of performed regime observations;
- In the near future, the company plans to develop specialized software for interpretation, analysis, visualization and subsequent integration into the mining and geological software of the results of computed tomography and microtomography of the oriented core..
The use of multifunctional unmanned aircraft
The use of multifunctional unmanned aircraft
We have expanded the possibilities of using UAVs not only in geodesy and engineering, but also in prospecting geology. The preparation of digital bases for geological and structural mapping, the creation of base layers of GIS systems for subsequent 3D modeling have significantly accelerated and qualitatively improved. Creation of digital elevation models (DTM) of high resolution, digital terrain models (DTM) allows you to get orthomosaics and seamless orthomosaic for detailed topographic plans. Digital models of infrastructure objects make it possible to conduct regular monitoring of mining and geological objects of customers.
Surveying using LIDAR technology proved to be very effective. Now this is one of the key recommendations when performing prospecting and reconnaissance work to obtain better source material for geological and structural mapping and further geomodeling of subsoil areas.
Training programs for retraining specialists
Training programs for retraining specialists
Разработка специализированного программного обеспечения.
Разработка специализированного программного обеспечения.
С учётом нашего опыта в поисковой геологии, не найдя на рынке необходимого нам специализированного программного обеспечения, за несколько лет мы разработали несколько видов ПО, позволяющего нам кратно ускорить и повысить качество нашей работы. Эти программы пока являются уникальными.
- GeoTarget Lineament – автоматизированное дешифрирование линеаментов и их структурная интерпретация на по материалам дистанционного зонирования и ЦММ, аэрофотоснимках, полученных с использованием БПЛА, с возможностью машинного обучения. Программа является одним из модулей разрабатываемого нами программного комплекса GeoTarget, направленного на максимально возможную автоматизацию подготовки материалов для выполнения нашими специалистами работ по геологическому таргетированию;
- SOVA - дешифровка и интерпретация детальных космоснимков и аэрофотоснимков, полученных с использованием БПЛА. Программа направлена на выполнение полу- и автоматического мульти-, а в перспективе гиперспектрального анализа для целей выявления спектральных аномалий, обусловленных наличием рудных объектов, выполнение локализации аномалий для выявления возможных структурных трендов повышенной минерализации. После дообучения программы, она также войдёт одним из базовых модулей в ПК GeoTarget;
- Gnome Assist – полуавтоматическая векторизация геологических карт разных поколений с возможностью машинного обучения. Оцифровка и пространственная привязка картографических данных пока ускорилась только в 5-6 раз. После дальнейшего машинного обучения программы скорость обработки должна возрасти в 8-10 раз. Программа также является одним из модулей разрабатываемого ПК GeoTarget;
- GeoLog Assist – программа выполняет полуавтоматическую детальную и точную документацию количественного содержания кварцевого материала, сульфидов, типов тектонитов в керне, буровом шламе, в естественных и техногенных (стенки карьеров и канав) обнажениях горных пород. ПО выполнено с возможностью машинного обучения на проектах нашей работы и применяется для быстрой документации при изучении, оценке и разведке месторождений для создания оперативной геолого-структурной модели. Использование ПО также направлено на контроль качества и корректировку работы геологов-документаторов. Кроме того, с помощью ПО можно выполнить геологическую документацию основных признаков минерализации и структурных особенностей керна по архивным снимкам керна Заказчика для контроля ранее выполненных работ и уточнения геологической модели. Полученные данные могут автоматически интегрироваться в распространённое горно-геологическое ПО – Micromine или Datamine;
- Teis – автоматическое вычисление гидрогеодинамических параметров водоносных горизонтов по данным, полученным в процессе выполнения опытно-фильтрационных работ;
- Regim - вычисление статистических и гидрогеодинамических параметров водоносных горизонтов по данным выполненных режимных наблюдений;
- В ближайших планах компании разработка специализированного ПО для дешифрирования, анализа, визуализации и последующей интеграции в горно-геологическое ПО результатов выполнения компьютерной томографии и микротомографии ориентированного керна.