In Moscow, at the State Geological Museum. IN AND. Vernadsky, from March 27 to March 29, the VI International Geological and Geophysical Conference “GeoEurasia 2023. Geological Exploration Technologies – Science and Business”. Among the announced topics of the conference were: fundamental problems, issues of applying the most modern geological and geophysical technologies and digital solutions in prospecting. exploration and development of mineral deposits in the most difficult conditions. This year, more than 300 participants attended the conference in person and online. The architecture of the conference included both the main scientific program and a number of additional events: thematic courses, an exhibition of participating companies, a youth program, excursions in the museum. During the three days of the conference, participants were able to listen and discuss 145 reports in 11 technical sessions: management and economics of the exploration industry, oil and gas and regional geology and geophysics, ore geology and geophysics, fundamental research, GIS, geomechanics and petrophysics, design and field seismic surveys , interpretation and processing of seismic data, engineering geology and geophysics, hydrogeology and geocryology, innovative technologies, marine research. The event was attended by representatives of more than 100 different companies from many regions of the Russian Federation. The reports presented at the conference once again demonstrated the constant changes in modern exploration technologies and geophysical methods, which are dictated by both external changes and internal development.
Thus, the moderators of the ore section this year were Dmitry Agapitov, Executive Director of the IGT Group, and Andrey Fedorovich Chitalin, Chief Geologist of the IGT Group, Deputy General Director for Science. The section was held at a lively pace, as the reports aroused great interest and discussion.
For example, the largest number of questions and the longest discussion arose after the report of Dmitry Sivkov, an employee of the IGT Group, Head of the GIS Department, “LiDAR Capabilities in Modern Smartphones for Geological Mapping of Mesoscale Structures”
The report of the leading geologist of the IGT Group Sergey Popov “Geological and structural studies and forecast of copper-gold mineralization at the Sakdrisi and Madneuli deposits in Georgia” also did not go unnoticed by the section participants.
Videos and presentations of reports can be viewed on our channel by clicking on the active links. We will be glad for your reaction and comments on the channel.
The need for such platforms as GeoEurasia, where specialists can present their achievements, share both positive experience and negative results, talk about the difficulties in implementing certain projects and discuss together ways to solve them, continues to be in demand and necessary. Therefore, we can safely say that the conference “GeoEurasia-2023. Geological Exploration Technologies: Science and Business” was a success and rightfully occupies an important role in the geological and geophysical professional community.
All materials of the last forum GeoEurasia 2023 can be found on the event website